Friday, June 27, 2008


WOW.   My peeps are telling I have been selected for guest editor....exactly what does that entail???   I received a lot of kudos but what do I do????     I hope this isn't too difficult so, as soon as I find out I will tackle the problem with my usual zest.   If it is to find out the solution to world peace, I must decline; we haven't solved that enigma in 2 millennia.

Today was a sort of busy day at work.   All day I was thinking, I can't wait to go home.   I did orthopedics today, and what we did was hand surgery.   WE do a lot of carpal tunnel releases;  most of the problem is with people who have repetitive stress on their hands.  Typist, hair stylist, computer people etc.  Everything went well, then onto lunches and at three, relieving the people who were to go home.   They were still working in four rooms when I left.   I am looking forward to two days off.

I am looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow.  My idea of a fantasy vacation would be a week of sleeping in till 9 am.   I will be up at about 6 am.  I have some sort of internal clock mechanism that wakes me up.  I just think of what time I want to wake up and I do about 95% of the time.   I always set my alarm but I am usually awake before it.  Wide awake, awake not somnolent,  thinking lucid thoughts and raring to go.  That is down right disgusting............I wish I could get over that.   Maybe it is just conditioning.  Many years of taking in house call (at the hospital) and having to get up and run at a moments notice for things such as cardiac arrests and stat c-sections;  I would like to get over this when I retire.   I have high hopes but realistic expectations.

This was taken in the late 1970's.  This is a little church in Slovenia; which was part of Yugoslavia at the time.   My husband was working there for an American Company.  Northern Yugoslavia looks a lot like Pennsylvania.  I thought maybe that is the reason a lot of people from that area settled her in PA, probably reminded them of home.  Those are the Alps in the background.   Most of the people are Roman Catholic and there are churches in every village and they also like to build them on the highest hill.   The Catholicism is a remnant of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are happy for being a "pick".  If you have never been to Magic Smoke, just click the link in the upper corner, and you will see my Guest Editor Pick engtry there from earlier today :o)