Sunday, June 15, 2008

American Flags




After an inquiry I decided to add an addendum.   This photo was taken at the Navy Museum in Southeast Washington DC.  It is a treasure.   It is located at the Washington Navy Yard.  The exhibit is huge and full of history.  There are submarines, a bathysphere,   Things from the Revolutionary War and all the other conflicts that the Navy was involved.  There are things on polar exploration, space and the opening of Japan in the 1850.   A lot of it is hands on and would be exciting for history buffs and children as well.    There is now more security since 2001, so I think you should call and be sure to bring your photo ID.   phone number   202  433 4882, this number was listed in the AAA Spiral Guide Book.




Anonymous said...

Excellent...excellent entry!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my!  That's great!

Anonymous said...

Interesting Claudia...but no reference to where you shot it, or to the challenge or any links to the challenge journal. Where DID you shoot this photo? :)