Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Claudias Thoughts

How did I get the title of my blog.  When I first started this was in 2004, I suppose it was sort of a thing to do in the new year.   Sometimes I go back and read what I had initially written.  It was a way to deal with my stressors.  At that time it was the sickness of my father; after that it was dealing with his death as my sibs and I cleared out of his house and the long process of ending and the disposition of what remained of my parents life.  This was one of the hardest things we have to do; but, we expect to deal with the death of our parents.  It is part of the natural order of things.

My thoughts were all racing and jumbled with those things during that difficult time.  By now my thoughts are the frustrations and a humorous  was to deal with them.  The plural on Claudias was just a typo when setting it up.

The photo was taken at Niagara on the Lake, Ontario, Canada

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