Saturday, June 14, 2008

RAiny Day Saturday

  MOLLY, to dumb to hunt. 


Today was a rainy day Saturday.   I slept in all the way till 06:30.   That is the time when I woke up.  The cats were milling about, meowing: "feed me, feed me."  My daughter told me she saw a show that said that cats domesticated themselves. They were supposedly the only animal that did that.  What about dogs I asked.  The show was about cats, they did not mention dogs.

  They did (who did?.  National Geographic I suppose, it was their show.)  They did DNA swabs on wild cats (I am willing to bet that was quite a sight and a immense feat as well) The swabs were done the same way as for humans.   Just run the swab inside the mouth.    How many people were bitten in this endeavor???   The whole gist is that most of the cats running around and populating this planet have originated in Egypt.   It began as a symbiotic relationship, cats eating rodents.....They even check DNA on a cat mummy and it had the same DNA as the house cats today.   I wish I had watched that show.

The word on the show is that you could release cats and they would know how to capture prey.   I have serious doubts about two of mine.  

Went out and about today.  I am disappointed with the clothing selection this summer.   What I find are those stupid polyester prints that were all the rage in the 70s.   I didn't like them then and after two seasons I still do not like them this time.

Can you imagine that the designers go to school and how do they come up with these so called fashions?   The blouses all resemble maternity tops.  A lot  of the clothes either look like hoochie clothes or elderly grandmother clothes.   Where are the clothes that are in between????   I do not want to wear clothes that make me look like a pregnant pop tart or a updated version of my grandmother. 

My grandmother never wore a pair of slacks in her life.   When she would go shopping she would get dressed up as if going to church.   She would also wear a hat.   Not a plain but a fancy one with a little veil.   This was the time that there were hat shops, aka millinery shops.  She had hats of all styles and colors.  I now wonder what happened to those hats?   When she died I was away at school and the thought of where they were never occurred to me before.    She also had a bit of jewelry.  One was a ruby rind in a Tiffany setting and a small necklace with three diamonds in a Buttercup setting.  I now own them and had the three diamond setting reset in a chain.   The yellow of the antique setting is more than the 14 K chain.  I guess the gold is 18 K or so.   I will have to investigate that.

I was too tired and not in the mood for a conversation with tech support on ACER.  Maybe I will do that tomorrow.....





Anonymous said...

interesting info about cats; I know that several friends/family members that have had cats always tell about the finds their cats are bringing in from their hunting adventures so I can imagine if they need to, they would be out their hunting for their food (even your cats, LOL); I'll have to see if I can catch that documentary; my husband and me would enjoy watching it

I haven't been in a store lately to see the new styles but they do sound dumpy; you do wonder what is in the designers minds for sure


Anonymous said...

Styles repeat themselves every few decades. I remember my mom saying, "We used to wear that!" I am finding more this summer than last - the last few summers I have seen very little I liked in the stores.

How can anyone actually be in a mood to call a tech? LMAO!!
