Thursday, May 22, 2008


Feeling sort of crabby myself.   This is the fourth day of my week off.    I decided that wasn't a vacation.   The weather is still cool, or coldish.   The high today was in the 50's.   This is really weird weather.  The weather people are promising warm for this weekend.   I have a feeling that in two weeks we will be hitting the 90's and I will have to fire up the A/C.

Meteorology is the only occupation that you can be wrong 50% of the time and still have your job.........Nurses can not be wrong at all.

What did I do today.  A whole hell of a lot of nothing I may say.   I am in the midst of getting all my things back where they belong since the carpet cleaning.   I have so much stuff and I am not putting it all back.

Tomorrow is my daughters birthday.  She will be 26, she doesn't know that is the beginning of the road downhill.  LOL LOL  I guess we are on the road downhill since the day we are born.  Our tradition is the take the birthday person out and for them to eat at the restaurant of their choice.   She was six when the BD dinners at McDonalds ended.  That day she wanted to eat at "Casa Lupita"  and it has been expensive ever since.

Went to the Social Security Office to see about benefits. My retirement age is 66.   I will not be working full time at that age.  I can retire at 62, which is not too far away.    My idea now is to slow down and go part time for a while.  I will see how that goes..... 



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Working part time can reduce your SSB check, sad to say.

We used to have a Casa Lupita - I loved it! My daughter did too.
