Saturday, May 17, 2008

Even lazier Saturday

Today was even lazier than yesterday.   This morning started out with me trying to figure out if it was to rain or not.   The Geneaology Group went on a field trip to Allegheny Cemetary.   Now, who else in the world would do that???

Besides a bunch of nuts looking for their roots.   The rain held off, thank goodness.   This cemetery is in the city of Pittsburgh and is 300 acres and only 200 are occupied.  There is a lot of space available.  It was founded in 1844.  It is a Who's Who of Pittsburgh.  I took some photos but haven't downloaded them yet.  This also have two lakes, but, we didn't see them.   We did see deer grazing, guess they were part of the grounds keeping.  Also wild turkeys, they were skittish but the deer were not.  

Buried there were five generals from the Civil War, five Confederate Soldiers, many wealthy industrialists, and many political figures from the city.   It was a good thing to see.

Tomorrow Emily and I will go to the May Market in Mellon Park.  It  is spondored by Phipps Conservatory and they sell plants, gardening items and some food and snacks. 

Spent a lot of time walking and I am here yawning and typing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many cemeteries have been put online - along with pictures of each grave and a bit of information on each person buried there. I found my great-grandfather's cemetery and his grave stone - my dad's family has a family cemetery in Georgia. I didn't know until a few weeks ago.
