Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday and Off



The flowers from the Flower Show are all gone, at the Conservatory but I have them immortalized on my computer.   There is now a show on Chocolate.   While I LOVE the taste, I can't  imagine that there is much to look at.   Maybe I will go to the show anyway.  I am a member and I can go anytime.

I am off today and for the next week.  On Monday the guy is coming to clean the carpets.  There is so much stuff (junk) sitting around this house I need to go thru it and get rid of it.   Things to go to the thrift store, trash, recycling.   I have stuff in boxes from moves of 20 years ago.   It is very difficult to get the time or the motivation to start analyzing and pitching.    It will be a great "pay back" for the daughter when I die and she has to go thru this stuff.    She will probably just throw them away and not look in the boxes; I honestly do not know what is in them.

Lat night when I was in bed Chuck came to the room and announced the terrible misfortune that had befallen him.  It had only been 10 minutes since I has retired; what could this tragedy be????   He was watching the television and the picture closed into a vertical strip of colors and disappeared into nothingness.   The voice remained behind like the Cheshire Cat.    

My job today is to peruse the Circuit City and Best Buy ads for its replacement.   This TV was only four years old.   A person would spend thousands on a television n a TV only to have it die an untimely death in a few years.  I have old TVs that aren't HD that last longer than that.   My friend Rosemary had a TV from the 1970's that was still working and she could not find anyone to take it.  Wonder if she still has it????    LOL   LOL



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have told my daughter that I hid money amongst my stuff. She will have to look. Luckily for her, I don't have all that much stuff :-)
