Monday, May 26, 2008

Here is Jenny enjoying a bit of sunshine.   I would like to come back as one of my cats.  LOL

  Today is my last day off; I guess we got a lot of things done around the house.   I still have a few flowers to plant.  I have to do some rearranging of three flower pots.  I had them outside the garage but they do not get much water when it rains.   I guess I should plant cacti there.

Had to set the alarm on the clock for tomorrow..  Boo hoo hoo  Chuck said he enjoyed the time off and he thinks in November he would like to go down to 2/12's.   I would like to do 2/10's myself.

We need to get the kid of the payroll.    Hopefully she is on her way..............................

The chicken and grilled pineapple were delicious.  Chuck preheated the gas grill and when it was time to put the chick on the flame had gone out; so I cooked the entire meal on my new grill pan.    It has ridges and makes the grill marks, what is good is the fact that it is raised and cooks without needing the fat; so the entree will (theoretically) be lower in calories.  

I had downloaded Picasa (Google) and it took me hours to figure out on my computer where the pictures were.  For a free editing program it seems to be good.  If I were a professional I would need a paid one.    I had taken a digital photography class and had Photoshop and low and behold the program WAS NOT COMPATABLE WITH VISTA.   Well, wasn't that a surprise............  They were in the Picasa folder but I couldn't download them to the journal.  But they are in my pictures buried down about 5 layers of folders.   When I clicked on the folder to name it, it would tell me I couldn't use that name..  GRRRRRRRRRRRR

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