Friday, May 16, 2008

Lazy Friday

Quiet is the word.  I don't think I will ever get the hang of the size of the words.  I think it will type what ever it wants  (the computer that is)  When I click on the #14 I get minuscule letter and when I initially clicked on #18 I got the size of the first sentence of this entry. ??????  What goes on,  is it one of the imponderables and mysteries of life.   I will think about it later.

Today is a quiet day.  That is because Chuck and Emily are at work and all I have to deal with are the cats.  Henry is on my desk and meowing at something I can not see.  Although, I suspect, it is some insect.  I am too lazy to get up and see.

I went to the library and got a new supply of books.  They had a sale.  I am an official "Friend of the Library"  that means I have donated.  But, to my dismay,  the preview sale was yesterday and not today as I had thought.   Tomorrow is the sale for all the rest of the non donators.   It will be teeming  masses of humanity.  They will be bellybutton to butt and climbing over each other and trying to find the best book in a stack of books that are catalogued and shelved by some mysterious code.    The aisles are so narrow that some people have to inch their way sideway and in the process trample people who are under the tables trying to read the titles.

Actually it is a lot of fun.   I haven't decided if I am up for it tomorrow.  It starts at eight.  What I can do is buy books at the library sale, read them, and then take them to Half Price Books and recoup some of my money.  Then I can start the cycle all over again.  TA DA.

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