Thursday, May 8, 2008


Went to the LDS Church today and looked for Irish Marriages and Baptisms in Mayo County; that was a waste of my time.    The records were all on a dark background and the writing was white.   I realize that these were from over a hundred years ago.    I could not read them, I needed a brighter light and be able to control the magnification.    I did not  find what I was looking for.  

 I have serious doubts that I will be able to find much further back than my great grandparents, or possibly selective tidbits of one generation before them.    Another thing I found annoying was the news that the Pope declared that the LDS Church would no longer be allowed to copy the records of the Catholic Churches.   It seems that there is opposition of the LDS Churches practice of Baptism of Dead ancestors.   They do this because it is their belief that the family's will be untied and it would good to have them united in heaven all baptized.   As a Catholic I now feel that the Church is composed of Old Men who have control issues.    They should be worried about priest pedophiles and less about Mormon Baptisms.

My friend, who was there too, was researching the German records.   In a typical German fashion, they had their records indexed and indicated with the page number.   That is so German,   I guess I got those genes, or the whole German race is OCD.  



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of ways to reseach - i just finished a class on genealogy. I don't know if you just started this or if you have experience? I might be able to offer some web sites. Then again if the LDS doesn't have clear!
