Wednesday, February 27, 2008


This was taken, I think, during the Blizzard-Perfect Storm of 1993.  It was one of the few blizzards that I remember.   It just kept, going and going, and going.   And following that it was so damn cold that school was out for one to two weeks.  The daughter could tell you, I don't remember. 

At the end of February I am begining to get a little stir crazy.  I am hating snow and cold weather.   It is to get down to 14F tonight and the wind is blowing.....   Tomorrow is to be even colder.... One of those 90F days in July are looking mighty good right about now.

The photo was taken predigital, preauto exposure and pre auto focus.  I think the glare from the snow somehow altered the exposure meter, or maybe the exposure meter was not working because of the snow.   I remember that was the year that there was 2" of ice at the bottom of the driveway and I thought it would take till July to melt.  It did take a long time, maybe just till April

I am off tomorrow; the OR schedule was light and I will be home all by myself.  If you don't count the cats.    Maybe I will do something  wild and crazy like clean the house.   Or maybe I will just sit down and wait for the urge to clean has gone away.

'GONE MISSING"   Where did this saying come from??   Just out of the blue this or that  or someone or another has "gone missing"  What kind of grammar is that??   Even on the TV news they are announcing "gone missing?"    Is anyone else irritated by the slaughter of  the English language??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gone missing, near miss......I hate days when the HIGH is below 14F. I hate any day not at least 70 degrees, actually, and I live in Michigan! I figure we have July, August, and winter. Summer has to come eventually, I keep telling myself that. I have always felt that February has 200 days in it. Enjoy your day off. Make a list of something to do another day or exfoliate and give yourself a spa day. Days off are precious and should not always be used for work at home, don't you think?
