Monday, April 14, 2008

Second Thought of the Day

I wonder!!!! Is there a way to make the chosen items on the entry to be permanent???  

Today is the last of my four days off.....BOO HOO.  Made a mad dash about town getting the income tax in under the wire.  Well, actually, I had eighteen hours to spare   I have never been in line, aproaching midnight, trying to hand in the envelope just to have it postmarked on time.   There are a lot of procrastinators who do that.......

I suppose on my last day off I will just do the mundane task of washing clothes.   Maybe even cook....I also have been toying with the idea of running the vacuum cleaner but maybe I will sit down and wait for that urge to go away.

I have been thinking of some where warm and sunny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Warm and sunny sounds really good! I like to do laundry - how weird is that? I find it calming. I think it might be the sounds the machines make? Not sure.
