Sunday, April 20, 2008

Thinking again............

I really love flowers.  Soon it will be time to go and buy them to plant in my pots.

I am thinking that I really should get up of my derriere and go to the grocery store.   After a long stretch of beautiful warm, sunny days it is now raining.   Another rainy dismal Sunday.   I woke up at 5 am.  When I retire will I still wake up early?????

But, on my day off, I refuse to get out of bed.   I would wake up the rest of the household and they will be mad.   So, I sat around and read Time and Newsweek.  Then it was 7 am or so and I made a cup of tea and had to find the umbrella to walk to the end of the driveway and get the paper.  We get two Sunday papers and only one of them was there.  

 I will be glad when the election is over.    Hillary and Obama are still causing havoc in PA with the bitterness  agenda.   It doesn't really matter, the politicians will tell you what you want to hear and then after the election it will be back to business as usual.   

Actually, WHAT POWER DOES THE PRESIDENT HAVE???  The president has only the power of VETO.....   The power is in the legislature.  We know what a bunch of procrastinators they are unless it is money for one of their pet projects or some pork agenda of theirs.   I will be glad to see November and the end of all the expensive, campaign cost and pandering.

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