Friday, April 18, 2008

Even More Tired

Did you ever spend hours on the computer or phone connected to tech support.      GGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRR.   My printer was not working.   It is relatively new.  The message told me that the computer was not connecting with the printer.........It had communicated before.................

So, I got online and talked to "Samuel"  he had me do all sorts of gyrations with that freaking computer and printer...............After about 30 minutes and all sort of alterations he told me to restart the computer.   My take on it.  HE COULDN'T FIX THE DAMN THING SO IT WAS ADIOS TO CLAUDIA.    To make matters worse things were not working so I had to do a system restore.  And I had it working very fine now, all but the printer.  

Low and behold there was a PHONE NUMBER  in the little manual that came with the printer.   Well I got to talk to a human, even if he was 9,000 miles away.   Nash was his name.   We did some of the same things over again and he decided (CORRECTLY I MIGHT ADD)  that this was a soft ware issue not hardware.   So uninstall the program and download and reinstall the Lexmark program.  THE SUCKER IS WORKING.    He was a little hard to understand but we managed to get the thing going.  It wasn't communicating because the software wasn't working.   Kudos to NASH.





Anonymous said...

YES tech support sucks! ON line tech is a little better, NO heavy accents!!!!

Pretty flowers!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Last time that happened to me I got a new printer, lol! I hated the old one - we never did get along. Hm, It was a Lexmark! it usually worked, but I just never liked it. I am using it now for copies until the ink is gone (I had just bought new ink) and then I will give it away.
