Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Something is wrong.   I feel out of sorts.   I haven't been keeping up with anyone's journal.  I really do not feel like writing in mine.    I think it is the weather, I just do not like hot weather; I feel cranky and drained.   I really do not know a solution to that.   We are on the home stretch of July. 

Chuck has one more day off and I have been working since Monday.  I was off last week and so was he.  I really didn't get to do any thing restful. 

I have only been back two days and I feel like it is two weeks. Maybe I should quit writing for the day and go to bed. 

I worked in the GI Lab today.  Spent the whole day doing colons and gastric scopes.   Did 13 cases in 9  hours; I am exhausted and seriously considering taking a shower and going to bed.   Fiddle dee dee, tomorrow is another day.

Boo Hoo, that sad child above is me.  When I was little my parents were building a house.  I guess I was of no help, they tied me in the play pen.  You can see the rope on the side of the containment vessel.    CYS would have a field day with that one today.   It is funny, but what they said was discipline in yesteryears today would be considered child abuse.  Guess they thought I was funny enough to take the picture of me in my misery.   BOO HOO

That is an appropriate picture for my sour mood; or did the photo make me sad?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling happier!
