Friday, July 4, 2008

Morning of the 4th.

Last evening I went to my friends house for a 4th of July celebration.  Even though it was the 3rd.  That is when the town across the river had their fireworks and she was working today so she did the 3rd.    She lives on a bluff overlooking the Allegheny River.  They have five acres, it is really a $1,000,000 view. 

 This is a test shot. I took at twilight....I was playing with the settings.  I found that I need a tripod, I didn't have one with me so I substituted the railing of her deck.    I tried a long exposure, that didn't work because there was still some movement.  What I needed was a tripod and a remote or a cable cord to press; I had neither of these.  So this shot I did while resting the camera on the railing and setting it for "no flash"   It worked well, but the problem with the HP is that after the shot the settings need to be reset.  I wish they had a feature to keep the setting till I go back and reset them.  The other problem is that this was taken at twilight and after the sun went down and the fireworks started I could no longer see the buttons to go into the bowels of the cameras computer and set them with each shot.   Grrrrrrrrrrrr.


Anonymous said...

that was an awesome picture! very nice view!


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a gorgeous picture! That's quite a view to have from someone's yard.

Have a great holiday!

Anonymous said...

A beautiful view indeed. (Hugs)Indigo