Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sunday Sunday

This morning it was bright and sunny and I decided to go to the Phipps and take pictures.....It was colder today than it was on Christmas Day.   My friend told me that she didn't like having Easter so early.   It won't be for another 200 ands  some odd years.    There weren't too many people there when I arrived at about 10:30.   I took about 133 pictures.  That is the nice thing about digital.  You can take as many as you like, throw away the ones that are no good, copy them any where that will accept them electronically, and burn them to a CD or email a file to a place to have them printed.    I could print them myself, but, the ink is too expensive and the copies cost about 10 cents each.   The ink cartridges cost about $50 for two.  I am not a purist I am rather frugal.  

There were a lot of beautiful flowers..  Lots of amazing colors.  They were grouped by monocolors and complimentary plantings.    I will add them as I go along in this journal.

Soon I will begin dinner.   The tradition ham and for Emily salmon.   She is only eats fish and chicken.  I guess that is not a bad thing.   I eat a lot of fish and chicken myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a pretty picture! My CPA said he sends his prints off to Walgreen's to be done - like you, he said it just made good sense. Personally, I rarely print a picture any more - they seem to stay on my media cards and computer.I guess I should work on that next step! Cold - way too cold in my area this year! Brrr!!
