Another mystery for me to ponder. I tried to put all four cats in one entry, but they are all four in a horizontal row. So I deleted two (pictures, not the cats) and made another entry. Why did it not show up in a vertical row instead? Each cat has his or her favorite spot in the winter. Mostly it revolves about the furnace grates.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Sunny Sunday
This is from the long ago and far, far away file. This is Maine, probably somewhere around Acadia. Now that is a beautiful National Park. I have on my to do list, to go there again and just mozy along thru New England. I will have to be retired before I can do that.
People asked me what I would do. Take watercolor classes. At the Pittsburgh Institute for the Arts they have classes but the one I want to take is given only during the day. Get out and take pictures. Take classes at the local colleges, this is for fun. A lot of the colleges have classes that can be taken for free or a minimal class for seniors. You don't get the credits but you get the knowledge. What I have visions of doing is arguing with the professor and call them names like Idiot or something like that. That is if I don't agree. Sometimes I like an argument just for the sake of the argument, and especially if I am right.
Another thing is peruse the genealogy in depth. This is difficult for me now because All of my great grandparents came from Europe. I have gotten just about as far as I can do with the research here. I am to the point in my research that I need to go and see what the LDS (Later Day Saints) have copies from the church records of Ireland and Germany.
I would like to do some volunteer work. I tried that with the Trap, neuter and release of cats, but with all the felines allergens I started to feel sneezy and a little short of breath (Provental inhaler time) so I quit assisting with the cat population control. I thought this might work with deadbeat parents of the world, but it would be cruel to trap them in a cage. The way the program works is like this. There are feral cat colonies and a person get the cage and traps the cats. Then they will take them to the shelter and they are anesthetized, given a rabies, antibiotic, and kitty NSAID for the pain. A little bit of their ear is nipped for identification that they have been neutered and the next day they are released back in their colony. Helps with cat population control, control of rabies and the cats are less likely to fight. Well, they will now fight over food and not a mate.
Also when I retire I will work "casual" That is when they need somebody and they will call and say, "Claudia, can you work on Wednesday?" I will give it a yea or a nay, and the people will be happy that one less room needs to be staffed.
Acadia National Park - Home (U.S. National Park Service) - Family History and Genealogy Records
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Out to lunch...
The above photo was taken at the Westside Market in Cleveland. I wish we had a market like this in Pittsburgh.
Went out to lunch with my chums. It is great to have lady friends. The ones you have know for ages and feel comfortable with discussing anything. They don't criticize, just listen to you. I guess all our problems are of the same genre. We are all past the raising kids and now are watching our children find their way in the world. Or we hope they will.
Lunch was at Lidias. They have a brunch on Saturdays and Sundays. You order an entree and then they have the antipasti bar, then your lunch and then a dessert bar. A Mimosa or Bloody Mary comes with the price. Lidia's - Pittsburgh You can click on it here.
I still would like to figure out why????? After I put a link in this journal the rest of the type is the small type??? There must be an answer. Anyhow, I don't know the answer to that.
"The course of true love never did run smooth."
William Shakespeare
If every thing appears to be running smoothly, you have obviously overlooked something.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Good advice
King Arthur and the Witch:
Young King Arthur was ambushed and imprisoned by the monarch of a neighboring kingdom. The monarch could have killed him but was moved by Arthur's youth and ideals. So, the monarch offered him his freedom, as long as he could answer a very difficult question. Arthur would have a year to figure out the answer and, if after a year, he still had no answer, he would be put to death.
The question? What do women really want? Such a question would perplex even the most knowledgeable man, and to young Arthur, it seemed an impossible query. But, since it was better than death, he accepted the monarch's proposition to have an answer by year's end.
He returned to his kingdom and began to poll everyone: the princesses, the priests, the wise men and even the court jester. He spoke with everyone, but no one could give him a satisfactory answer.
Many people advised him to consult the old witch, for only she would have the answer.
But the price would be high; as the witch was famous throughout the kingdom for the exorbitant prices she charged.
The last day of the year arrived and Arthur had no choice but to talk to the witch. She agreed to answer the question, but he would have to agree to her price first.
The old witch wanted to marry Sir Lancelot, the most noble of the Knights of the Round Table and Arthur's closest friend!
Young Arthur was horrified. She was hunchbacked and hideous, had only one tooth, smelled like sewage, made obscene noises, etc. He had never encountered such a repugnant creature in all his life.
He refused to force his friend to marry her and endure such a terrible burden; but Lancelot, learning of the proposal, spoke with Arthur.
He said nothing was too big of a sacrifice compared to Arthur's life and the preservation of the Round Table.
Hence, a wedding was proclaimed and the witch answered Arthur's question thus:
What a woman really wants, she to be in charge of her own life.
Everyone in the kingdom instantly knew that the witch had uttered a great truth and that Arthur's life would be spared.
And so it was, the neighboring monarch granted Arthur his freedom and Lancelot and the witch had a wonderful wedding.
The honeymoon hour approached and Lancelot, steeling himself for a horrific experience, entered the bedroom. But, what a sight awaited him. The most beautiful woman he had ever seen lay before him on the bed. The astounded Lancelot asked what had happened
The beauty replied that since he had been so kind to her when she appeared as a witch, she would henceforth, be her horrible deformed self only half the time and the beautiful maiden the other half.
Which would he prefer? Beautiful during the day....or night?
Lancelot pondered the predicament. During the day, a beautiful woman to show off to his friends, but at night, in the privacy of his castle, an old witch? Or, would he prefer having a hideous witch during the day, but by night, a beautiful woman for him to enjoy wondrous intimate moments?
What would YOU do?
What Lancelot chose is below. BUT...make YOUR choice before you scroll down below. OKAY?
"Noble Lancelot said that he would allow HER to make the choice herself".
"Upon hearing this, she announced that she would be beautiful all the time because he had respected her enough to let her be in charge of her own life.
"Now....what is the moral to this story?
If you don't let a woman have her own way....
Things are going to get ugly.
"Optimism doesn't wait on facts. It deals with prospects. Pessimism is a waste of time."
Norman Cousin
I am willing to be we know more pessimists than optimists. The only time I am pessimistic is when my glass of wine is half empty.
"Our power is in our ability to decide."
R. Buckminster Fuller
Decide what, exactly?? Should I stay or should I go?? Or should I fill up that half empty glass of wine????
Right now my favorite is a Riesling. That is a German wine. It is not dry but classified as sweet, but not too sweet.....I like it. My-favorite is Schwartz Katz. Buy yourself a bottle if you like non dry wines.
"A technical objection is the first refuge of a scoundrel."
Heywood Broun
Scoundrel is a good word.........................
Friday TGIF
The weekend at long last. Today was uneventful I again worked ENT. But everything went smoothly. Actually all five of my patient weighed under 200 pounds. That is highly unusual. No airway disasters, no difficultly placing their breathing tubes. No trouble keeping then asleep or waking them up. It was Nirvana.
I am at home, all alone. And I sort of like it that way once in a while. I can just sit and do nothing. Which I am getting good at doing. The weather outside is chilly and going down to 24 tonight. With a high of 46 during the day. I like spring and fall the best. Last year it went from cold to hot. There was no gradual warm up. I hope it is better this year. I like to work it gradually into the change of seasons.
Tomorrow I am going with my chums out for a brunch. It is at Lidias. We went there over a year ago and the food was good. I hope it is good the second time. Will let you know later tomorrow.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
This horse head (Chess piece???) was among the flowers. What is its purpose?? None, I guess... Where do museums and places as such store the things they do not use, and how many things get lost stored in their archives.
I have boxes in the attic and cellar, saved diligently and for the most part I can't remember what is in there. Especially in the attic. I guess the revenge will be mine. When I die Emily wil go thru these things and wonder why in the world I saved these things? All I can say is for her to sell them on eBay..... This is retribution from the beyond for not cleaning up your room and having your stuff everywhere.
Off today and damn glad of it.
I know I posted this before, but I wanted to see how it looked larger. I had to move some of the photos off my hard drive into the AOL album. When I move them from the hard drive into my journal They are only one size. So that leaves my other option to move them, click and drag, into the AOL album then I can select the size. I had email AOL tech support and queried them and this is indeed the truth. I offered my unsolicited advice (HA) and told them with all the computers being sold within the past 15 months, the all have Vista why doesn't AOL support this feature. She said (HA) she would send my suggestions to the higher ups in AOL. Which is the equivalent of putting the suggestion in the round file.
As I ranted earlier, the design of the direct download into AOL only supports Windows XP. (Which I love much more than VISTA, for the ease of operation) There just seems to be things missing, I guess we are intuitively suppose to know where they put folders that are readily apparent on XP. A computer is like having a baby, you have to go by instinct on how to operate the thing. There are books out there to tell you how, but you are on your own.
On todays agenda. High maintenance hair appointment. They are all high maintenance these days. But the hair stylest told me I have less gray than my younger sisters. They don't know about this journal so I can talk about them.. LOL.
Another stop is the library. I love going to the library. Especially the Carnegie Library in Pittsburgh. That is a half drive and the parking in Pittsburgh is the highest in the nation. So I will have to settle for the local, which is pretty good. I love to read and can finish a few novels in a week. Actually two or three if they are good. If I determine they are not so good, I stop and go on to something new.
Main (Oakland) - Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
My last stop today is to go to a funeral viewing for a coworker. His mother passed away on Easter Morning. She died from viral pneumonia, she had multi system organ failure. It always amazes how people can be healthy and then get a infection and the body just can't fight it off. There is really nothing you can do about viral infections. With the exception of vaccinations. The bacterial are bad too because of the emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria. There is nothing that can be done if it bacteria are resistant. The drug companies are not really researching new antibiotics. Guess there is no money in it.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Pondering health care.
I am thinking about retirement more and more every day. A problem with health care is no one ever offers health care providers and early out. At 61 I am exhausted. There is an eternal nagging by people to do more to decrease "turn over time." The turn over time is the amount of time it takes from the end of one operation to get the next patient in the room to start the next. The turn over time now where I work is about 15 minutes. That is obviously not fast enough. I really wonder how much long I can do this mentally or physically????
Patients are getting sicker and larger. I do not have the strength to move people who refuse to move themselves, I guess they think it is their right to have someone else more their bodies from the cart to the OR table.
One of the main reasons that there are so many women in their 50's and 60's still working in health care is the fact that if we retire we will not have health insurance. The hospitals do not provide it for retirees................I can get 18 months of COBRA but that is expensive too. To buy health insurance on my own will cost about $1,000 per month for the husband and I. Then a lot of policies will exclude "preexisting conditions" Now, who in the world in their 50 and 60's do not have a preexisting condition or two??
Another thing to ponder and worry about is who is going to take care of people when the majority of RN and doctors who will be retiring. I guess I should just stay healthy and out of trouble.
Tired and Weary
I really love the way these flowers smell. It is a harbinger of spring. So, I set up the 14 size of the font and what do I get??? It certainly is not 14. What is the secret to getting this right??? I obviously do not have it............. At least the color is blue.
Today was a bummer at work. They keep adding on cases like we are having a fire sale....and the patients are getting more, and more sick. When I get to be 96 I hope no one drags my sorry ass off for an operation. Like, exactly how much longer do they think it will add to my life, and how about the quality of my life after the operation. Sometimes I think some of these clowns just want to get a few extra bucks out of Medicare before the person dies. I do not want a feeding tube, do not want a trach and be on a vent, I do not want resuscitated if my condition is terminal. I am seriously thinking of having DNR tattooed on my chest. DNR means DO NOT RESUSCITATE.... If the daughter has me resuscitated against my wished I will donate her inheritance to the Humane Society. Guess I better reinforce that with her now.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Just pondering
Just sitting down after a hectic day at work. Today I did ENT. Which is ear, nose and throat. Mostly that means ear tubes, tonsils, and sinus surgery. I like to do something different every day. I guess I would get tired of looking at the same old procedures and body parts every day.
I guess working in surgery would sound really exciting to most other people. But a man I talked to one time was an auto mechanic. He asked about if I thought it was exciting and I said it was just like changing the brakes. We see the same thing every week. It is very traumatic to the people who are having the procedures, and even we try to give them a lot of reassurance, they worry excessivly and lose sleep the night before. So, the moral of this story is, if you want to get the best surgeon ever, ask someone who works in an OR who would they have do their surgery. While waiting in the holding area is NOT a good time to inquire about your surgeons credentials.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Waves of Tulips
I really have this thing for tulips........I don't have any planted in my yard. Actually, my gardening consists of flowers in pots, and herbs in pots on my deck. When I was little my parents had a large garden. They grew tomatoes, green beans, peppers, beets, kale, asparagus, lettuce, green onions, raspberries, strawberries and other things I can't remember. At the end of the season they would can all these things. Also they would buy apples, peaches, pears, and more tomatoes and we would spend hours canning.
I do not do any canning. I spent enough time preparing these things when I was a kid, my sisters who never had to do this, have large gardens and can their bounty. I would rather blanch and freeze.
Today was very hectic. The surgeon I worked with started at 06:45, that means I had to be there by 05:30 to get things ready for the early start. I would have rathered had the 30 minutes more sleep. He gets out sooner but I don't. I would like to know where do all these people come from. I would have thought everyone in Western PA would have had their gall bladder removed by now.
I only work 8 hours tomorrow as opposed to the 11 today. I am glad I am on the retirement track....I would have been retired by now except for the health insurance issue. People who work in Health care are not provided with health insurance when they retire................
Sunday, March 23, 2008
I have to admit.....
I have to admit I have found something I like about VISTA....did I really say that??? Maybe it was on XP too but I do not know since I had a photo editing program that I used. Anyhow, on the Windows program there is a basic photo editing program. It can lighten, brighten, increase the tint and color saturation. There is a cropping feature and a red eye reduction. So, I was able to play with the new photos and also it automatically saves your changes.
What I don't like is on AOL. AOL have a photo program that you can save Albums, that is where most of pictures have made their way. Now, Vista has been out for over a year now, and on AOL you can only use XP for Automatic uploading of pictures. Now, I have to click and drag, and then wait a looooooooog time for them to upload to AOL from my computer. What a pain in the arse. I wrote to their technical department and asked them for sure and that is the truth...... One would think, that by now, they would have had that particular problem sorted out. GOOD GRIEF WHAT WAS I REALLY THINKING.
Sunday Sunday
This morning it was bright and sunny and I decided to go to the Phipps and take pictures.....It was colder today than it was on Christmas Day. My friend told me that she didn't like having Easter so early. It won't be for another 200 ands some odd years. There weren't too many people there when I arrived at about 10:30. I took about 133 pictures. That is the nice thing about digital. You can take as many as you like, throw away the ones that are no good, copy them any where that will accept them electronically, and burn them to a CD or email a file to a place to have them printed. I could print them myself, but, the ink is too expensive and the copies cost about 10 cents each. The ink cartridges cost about $50 for two. I am not a purist I am rather frugal.
There were a lot of beautiful flowers.. Lots of amazing colors. They were grouped by monocolors and complimentary plantings. I will add them as I go along in this journal.
Soon I will begin dinner. The tradition ham and for Emily salmon. She is only eats fish and chicken. I guess that is not a bad thing. I eat a lot of fish and chicken myself.
I fixed it...........
After spending much pondering about how to get rid of my skinny picture I have solved my dilemma. There wasn't a delete picture, but there was a "cut" choice. After I clicked on cut, the faux pas of my journal adding, the picture disappeared, like it had never existed. TA DA....
I guess I should limit my adventures of adding photos to when I am wide awake.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
What have I done now??
This is one of the things that seemed like a good idea at the time. How in the world did I screw it up????? I wanted to put a picture on my all about me section. Well it too a while but I succeeded in moving the photo to the area. BUT I did not like the photo and I wanted to remove it and add another instead.
How do I get rid of the damn thing???? I made it skinny but the delete option is not there. I guess I will solve it eventually but now it is causing me angst.
You should keep quiet at the movies
I have missed my calling. I should have been a meteorologist. It is the only occupation where you can be wrong most of the time and still have your job. The doom and gloom forecast of three to six inches of snow never arrived. Don't you wonder. With radar, satellites, and all sort of up to the nanosecond doo dads in the weather armamentarium, why in the hell do the always get it wrong??? The only thing they can get right is a heat wave...that is because if you go outside you can feel and see that it is hot. And, you know that it will last for a while until a thunderstorm comes and makes it cooler.
Emily and I went to the movies today. There were a total of eight people. So what happens.........Two women sat almost directly behind my daughter and I and were talking. Talking loudly too. I had to endure this conversation during the ads and previews.. (not that it was a major bother at this point) At the start of the movies they continued. I was quite peeved by this time. I turned around as asked them. "Are you planning on talking thru the rest of this movie?" "NO" one of them said. "Well good, because it is quite annoying.." said I.. They honestly had a WTF look on both of their faces.
Why do people insist on talking during the movies, and why with hundreds of empty seat did they choose to sit behind me. They were very quiet thru the rest of the show. I think they were even afraid to eat their popcorn, they were chewing it very quietly.
The movies was Penelope. It was quite good, fantasy, but good. Emily and I were in for something light hearted and it was. It is a chick flick and I would recommended it. Affluent family son takes advantage of a maid and then spurs her. Then the maid grandmother was a witch who puts a curse on the girls in the family that they will be born looking like a pig. For five or so generations only sons were born, but then, one day, a porr misfortunate Penelope was born.... The curse is set and only one of their own can break the spell........
Friday, March 21, 2008
Frank Lloyd Wrights thoughts
Frank Lloyd Wright
Thursday, March 20, 2008
I woke up this morning feeling that I was really and truly on the way to recovery. I will be back at work tomorrow. I ran the vacuum cleaner and after fifteen minutes I felt exhausted. I feel like I should eat a one pound steak to give me some protein. I never have eaten a one pound steak in my life.
I may even venture to the library this afternoon. I will see how well I feel. It has seen like spring around here the past few days. I could hear the birds twittering (is that a word??) on the eternal quest of mate acquisition. And then......this morning......I heard the diabolical weather forecast for Western Pennsylvania..................SNOW....... I am talking about a snow storm; or rather the weather man was. Starting tomorrow evening they are calling for 3 to 6 inches of SNOW. I am damn tired of snow.............Just for the record. I think after the library, perhaps, I will go and buy the biggest box of wine I can find. I think that is a 5L bottle, or box as the case may be.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Still Ill
Still sitting on my butt, coughing my lungs out. If I had been a smoking kind of person, I think I would have quit.
This is the fourth day and I was wishing I would die and hoping it would have been soon. Not really, I had a fever, terrible coughing, nose running, hoarse (I still am) and feeling all drained. Went to the doctor yesterday, and I asked him how does one know if the infection is bacterial or viral. He said that sometimes you can't tell. But by the time they get to his office, they have been sick and are not getting better. He gave me antibiotics. Four more day of that to go. That is what I get for working with sick people I guess.
I hate being sick. I just don't have time for it. In over two years, I have not called off sick......Really, those people are going to say "Claudia must be really sick, she never calls off..." I am too old to be a martyr. We are working so hard, and lucky if I get a break or a lunch.
I read articles on getting in shape etc, that talk about going out and exercising during your lunch break. I have 30 minutes, go to the cafeteria and wait in line behind the visitors who stand with mouths agape perusing the cafeteria menu. In hospitals they should have restricted hours in the cafeteria. I still get 30 even if I have to stand in line for 15 of the 30. Most of the time I pack my lunch. It is cheaper, I know how it will taste, and all I have to do is heat it in the microwave and still have time or a cup of tea or coffee and a pit stop in the bath room. WOW
Enough of this entry I am feeling drained by just thinking what to write, I feel a nap coming on.................
Sunday, March 16, 2008
I think the pestilance has hold of me. I haven't been feeling well all weekend and today I am worst. I feel hot, am coughing, and my nose is sneezing and I have rhinorrhea. That is a runny nose.
I am off tomorrow and damn glad of it. I have been feeling to ill to even worry about writing a rant or two.
Ides of March
The Ides of March has long been considered an ill-fated day. Julius Caesar was assassinated on March 15, 44 B.C. Historians note that it is likely that a soothsayer named Spurinna had warned Caesar that danger would occur by the ides of March. William Shakespeare included the phrase "Beware the ides of March" in his play Julius Caesar.
The ides were the 15th days of some months (including Martius, or March) in the ancient Roman lunar calendar; they were the 13th in other months. The word ides comes from the Latin word idus, which is possibly derived from an Etruscan word meaning "to divide." The ides were originally meant to mark the full Moon (the "halfway point" of a lunar month), but because the Roman calendar months and actual lunar months are different lengths, they quickly got out of step. The ancient Romans considered the day after the calends (first of the month), nones (ninth day before the ides, inclusive), or ides of any month as unfavorable. These were called dies atri
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Paul Potts
You have to listen to this. This is unbelievable, I had heard this man sing a few months ago and have to share it. He is a cell phone sales man from Wales:
Friday, March 14, 2008
Talk of the day
The talk of the day was Eliot Spitzer. AT his stage of life if he had to pay for sex he was a fool. And to pay what he did he was a damn fool.
I really wonder what percent of the people in positions of authority feel the need to carry on like a jackass. Or do they think this is an entitlement? Power corrupts and the abuse of power is a crime. I do not see this as a victimless crime. The ones who were hurt the most were his wife, and what kind of message is this sending to his teen age daughters.
I would have been filing my divorce papers long before today.
I have decided today that surgeons are like a bunch of baby birds. All the do is squawk, and give us crap. And sit around with their mouths open waiting for someone to fulfill their real, or supposed needs. They are thwarted at a 2 year old stage of development where they think the world revolves around them.
HOT TIP GUYS: It does not........
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Two days off.
Back to work tomorrow after being off for 2 days. I was rather busy. Yesterday I went to the Oakmont Geneology Group. We mostly spend time figuring out how to get speakers to come to the group. We buy them lunch but I guess that is not enough. Maybe we should get them a gift gasoline card too.
That was the extent of Tuesday. Today I went shopping, went to Border Books, stopped at the jewelry store.
Littman Jewelers Jewelry This is where the daughter worksI like to look at the clearance items and see if there is anything I want. She told me that 75% of the gold and diamonds sold are recycled I guess they don't get "bad" The price of gold is astronomical. I have been reading that they expect the gold to go to $2,000 per ounce. Guess that will cause havoc to the jewelry business. Everyone comes in and is agast at the price of gold ($900. or some where in that range per ounce._
Then in the afternoon I went to have the oil changed and the tires rotated. WOW what a day. At least I had a coupon for those services......
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Happy ST Patricks Day
Adapted from Matt Murphy's Pub
March 2007
Prep Time: 15 min
Cook Time: 1 hr
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1. Preheat the oven to 300°. Butter a 9-inch square baking dish. In a medium saucepan, bring 3 cups milk to a simmer. Add the rice and sugar and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Spread the mixture in the prepared dish, cover loosely with foil and bake for 30 minutes. Stir and continue baking until the rice is tender, about 30 minutes more. Remove from the oven and stir in the remaining 1 cup milk and the currants; let cool.
2. Divide the pudding among 6 whiskey glasses and top with Irish cream. Serve with the cookies.
Now doesn't this sound like something you would like to try. Thanks Rachael Ray.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Automatic updates
You can change your updates from automatic to install what you want. This tutorial is for the people who want to change their settings.
First click on the start icon (multicolored flag) on lower left side of the screen. Then click on CONTROL PANEL on the lower right side of the start dialog box. Next click on the multicolored shield called SECURITY CENTER. The icons are arranged alphabetically. There are four choices. First is FIREWALL, you want this one. Second is AUTOMATIC UPDATING, you click on this one and chose something that states download buy let me choose which to install. There is a list of change settings. YOU can choose what you feel is best for you. A person will get all kind of verbal crap from MS about how that is altered but just ignore it. The third choice is MALWARE PROTECTION, I have that on. The last is OTHER SECURITY SETTINGS, I have that clicked on. You get all kind of things from MS and you can decide what you need. If you install one at a time, then go and see if it has done anything negative to your computer you can uninstall it. It takes a while but for me it is worth the hassle.
My brother in law Bill says all the constant updating of programs that are working fine causes a problem that the geeks call "bleeding around the edges." So the philosophy is if it is not broke don't fix it. New and improved does not mean better.
Yet another thing.
Since I am on a rant. I am displeased with MS Automatic Updates. On March 6th one appeared that had something to do with "video" in the title. This is another instance of MS choosing what to do with my computer. After it was installed I could not view pictures in other peoples journals. I was miffed. I like those pictures, and I look forward to to seeing them. So I tried to do a SYSTEM RESTORE; which will take you back to a previous time. This is a bit complicate so I won't go into the procedure; well, the damn thing failed. This required attention beyond the novice. I had to call for tech support. The tech support of ACER actually had, I know you will find this extremely hard to believe, a person who native language is ENGLISH. My day was made........The solution to this enigma was to start it in safe mode (another story) and do the system restore in SAFE MODE. Another computing success story for Claudia. I know this will be temporary and a fleeting repair because those particular gremlins in the hard drive will appear in an other form to bedevil me at some later date and time. I can see your pictures. TA DA.
Another thing I read that Vista is coming out with a SERVICE PACK , which is to improve the security of their initial offering of VISTA. Well there are a lot of things that won't run after installation of the service pack. A lot of security programs and the new from the NY Times. Arghhhhhhhhhh.
What I really hate !!!!!!!
I am irked again. On the last entry the pictures are gone. Since I had cut and pasted it from an email and the pictures were there yesterday, my problem is where did they go and how do I get them back???????? Although the pictures were not germane to the content of the posting, I hate blank spaces where things are suppose to be....
I personally do not watch where the mouse goes, and it is always popping up things I had no intention of reading. Most of it was annoying advertisements anyway. WELL, I have solved that particular annoyance.
If anyone out there is irate because of this feature, here is how to fix it. Go to CONTROL PANEL (CLASSIC VIEW) Click on the Mouse icon. Click on DEVICE SETTINGS then again click on the new SETTINGS button. Then go down the list to TAPPING and a colorful box will appear with a colorful icon of a fingerprint and box next to it that says ENABLE TAPPING. Well, all you have to do is uncheck the little checked box and hit OK. Why does Microsoft feel the need to select our wishes. I am willing to bet that most of the people who own VISTA do not want this feature. Give me a break Bill Gates, ask the real people who use your product, not the software designers what they think we want.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Can you pass this test, I can't
I'd probably still be in the 8th grade if I'd had to take this exam!!!
I hate winter
I think this was taken at State College PA. But, I don't remember for sure.
I am living in a house of pestilence. Last weekend Chuck got sick and then on Monday Emily became sick also. It starts out with a sore throat, then coughing, nasal congestion, etc. You know the routine. Yesterday Emily sounded really bad, so off to Urgicare. She has a family doctor but a person can not get an appointment when needed. "WE can see you next week Mrs Jones...." Honestly, a person could be dead or better by then. The family practice people really hate the "Doc in a Box" practices. Honestly, we went, she signed in, and was seen in 15 minutes. It is billed as an office visit as opposed to an ER visit and we were out in forty five minutes. She also has bronchitis. She got a nebulizor treatment and then we were gone.
Emily works two part time jobs and no provided health insurance. Highmark Blue Cross/ Blue Shield has a program called "Special Care" You are allowed four visits a year and it doesn't pay for any medications. It will cover emergencies, and surgery things. At the Urgicare we talked to the nurse practitioner and she wrote two scripts for generic Rx and gave us a coupon for a free Albuterol Inhaler. Emily got fixed up for $16. This is good if you are young, healthy and do not take medication. She is feeling a little better today, and is currently asleep.
I have decided I am ready for spring. I am glad I do not live in Northern PA or Norther Ohio. Because I have heard that they are expecting 20 inches of snow. That is 20 more than I care to see. We are expecting a few inches, which is also a few too many.
I haven't written to much lately, I have been spending my time trying to avoid getting what the others have. That is a full time activity. I hope I succeed but I am not counting on it.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Link to Allegheny River Trip
"If it were not for hopes, the heart would break."
Thomas Fuller
"Heroes are created by popular demand, sometimes out of the scantiest materials, or none at all."
Gerald W. Johnson If you have to to look at scenes of the Allegheny River in Western P click on this link.