Thursday, May 6, 2004


This has been one of the longest weeks of my life.  I am off for about a week and a half.   Tooks off the week after my daughters graduation, thought maybe we could have gone somewhere.  Did not really make any solid plans.

Tomorrow I have to wait for a shed to arrive.  After 32 years we are finally getting a garden shed.  I think it was because I kept hitting the snow blower with my car door.  I had to pull up close to the work bench in order to open the car door.   I will be glad when most of that stuff us in "the shed"  Maybe I shouldnt be so happy, because I don't know how long it will take him to put it up.

Monday, I am taking my brother to set up a bank account.  Don't know how that will go. He is only off on Mondays, and I have off this Monay.

I feel exhausted........................maybe a nap is in order.

Going to visit my daughter but don't know what day it will be.


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