Thursday, May 20, 2004


jUST one more day in the week, workwise that is.  Today was uneventful.  Spend the day sedating people for their endoscopic procedures.   They are really grateful that they don't remember that. I know I was when I had a procedue.

My daughter is coming home this weekend.  I will be really glad to see her.  mI think she will be surprised how I cleaned up the mess in the room formally know as "Emilys"

It is her birthday this weekend.  It is on Sunday, which is the day that she was born.  22 years ago.  Just think, if you could put a old head on new shoulders.  I wish I knew then, what I know now.

Tomorrow is not too busy, at least at the time the schedule came out.  Who knows what will happen.

I told her to see if I could adopt the "Mamma" cat that they took to the Humane Society.  She is really a nice cat, but her kittens are too small to leave her.   They need about another month to month and a half.   That really was a sweet cat.  She was black with golden eyes.  Any cat that doesn't put a fight while getting a bath from complete strangers is a VERY GOOD CAT.  I hope we can get her.

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