Sunday, May 30, 2004


Went to Cleveland to visit my daughter.   Had to haul up a chest of drawers and drove the ancient station wagon.  It was a luxury model 197,000 miles ago.  It is a Subaru and my husband bought it to drive in the winter.  

It has some rust spots that he is fixing and it drove well.  The only problem is that it doesn't have a CD system and makes a lot of noise with the tires.  They are new and still makes a lot of noise.

Took her out to lunch and talked and did a little of bumming around   The weather has been perfect the past few days.  It was a little chilly in Cleveland.  We found a little park and it is right on the lake.   It bet it is a LOT chilly come December.

I have off on Memorial Day but I will be on call on Labor Day.  The good thing about working a Holiday is that you get paid double time.

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