Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tired from work.

"The greatest tragedy is indifference."
Red Cross

It's not that I am indifferent, but sometimes I am just all compassioned out.    I see the same type of people making the same bad life choices and really wonder "What were you thinking???"    Abused women always pick the same type of partner who abuses them again and again.    People who don't take responsibility for the upbringing of their children.  People who abuse their bodies with what ever vice.. 

Some times I would like to open their heads and insert some common sense.





Anonymous said...

It IS frustrating, especially when you've given advice and it's not taken. I guess the best thing is to just go with the feeling, and know it will pass soon enough. Knowing that there are plenty more people you DO help counts for a lot, right?

Hope you can get some rest.

Hugs, Beth

Anonymous said...

I can answer one of those ponderings...the abuse woman syndrome, in my case I didn't think I deserved any better. Later therapy helped me realize since my stepfather was never held responsible for the sexual abuse I suffered for 7 years (from 9-16) and died before anything was done. I never got closure and pretty much defamed my own character. There were a few other elements..But you are right the only person who can change their circumstances is the woman themselves involved with the abuser. I can safely say it's been 5 years now and I know what it's like to be with a wonderful man, that doesn't hit. Believe it or not, even when you think we weren't listening, some part of what is said and the advice given stays with us. It just takes courage to finally escape that life. Thought you would like to hear from one of the success stories...(Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

They weren't thinking. Hence, "give 'til it hurts." When in social work, my base of thought was not to help people, but to teach them to help themselves.