Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday and the living is easy.




The upcoming week is the last of August.  School is starting for many, including my daughter..  That means that getting to work will be a hassle  and you have to watch out for all the kids.    I have been wondering, since all the traffic stops and lets the kids cross, what happens when they become adults?   So, do they think that the traffic stops as if by magic and do a lot get hit by cars?    I leave for work at 05:30 and it is a 15 minute drive.   I run into the school bus traffic when I go home at 3 PM. 

I will be glad to see the autumn.  I love the colors and the crisp nights and warm days.   I hope the color of the trees are good this year, the past few the colors have been muted.  We had a lot of rain this year but not so much for the past few weeks.  The lawn is beginning to look a little parched.  The water costs too much for me to water grass; but I will have to go out and water my tomato crop.

The tomato crop is in one pot.  Maybe I will take pictures of my container garden.   I think I will do that tomorrow.

Those vegetables look so good.  The colors are fantastic.  This was a market it Philadelphia.   What I should do is start my water color painting again.   I love color and I have a lot of candidates for color in my collection.

Tomorrow we were going to do to the Shaker in the Woods Festival; but it is suppose to be hot and humid and I will  be miserable and cranky, so we opted out of that.   This festival is in Colombiana OH.  It is suppose to be one of the best.  They also have a fall and Christmas Festival.  Maybe I will go then...........


Anonymous said...

Love those beautiful veggies! I'm partial to eggplant myself, but I love just about anything! They say that the deeper the color, the better the vegetable is for you.


Anonymous said...

My beagles would love to be let loose in that veggie assortment, lol!

Anonymous said...

I would love to have the vegetables look that good in the local supermarkets around here. As it is you have to pick through what they offer with a small prayer on your lips. Fall is my favorite season of them all. Kind of a givend with my screenname RdAutumnSage...Last year here in NY the fall colors were brilliant and splendid. Of course I failed to take any pictures. Hoping for a showing this year to do so. (Hugs)Indigo