Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Last Day in Philadelphia

This is our last day in Philadelphia.  Yesterday was very busy; we spent the day going to Museums.  The Mutter Museum was too far to walk, so we decided to take a cab.     The man at the Inn desk had called for two cabs; mine was the second.    There was a young man waiting before us and his fare was a long ride.   So the first called arrived last and the cabby was expecting the long ride had lost the ride.  He was angry with the hotel man and the dispatcher.  He moaned and groaned all the way to the museum.   My action was do not make eye contact, give a good tip and get the hell out of the cab.   I can understand his frustration, but get there in a more timely fashion. 

The Mutter Museum was very interesting.   The most was the examples of the bacterial diseases such as TB and syphilis on the body.   They had wax facial masks of both.   I had not realized that TB could become a skin lesion; it was quite gross.   They also had TB of the spine (Potts disease) with a few vertebrae which were bent causing the person to walk with their head facing the ground.

The syphilis had also examples of skin lesions and lesions in the bones also.   There was bone destruction from infections, osteomylitis where the bone was eaten away from the bacteria.  These are thing you read about or hear about in third world countries; but for the most part you do not see in this country today.

Disappointment:  You are not allowed to take pictures in the  Mutter Museum.  There were a lot of things to take pictures of; guess they do not want people fainting in the streets.

:: CCP - Mütter Museum ::


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sounds really interesting! It's great that we don't have those illnesses like that so much in the USA any more. Let's hope we can work on losing some more.