Monday, August 18, 2008

Last DAy Off

Festive colors at a sidewalk sale.  Took this picture at a shop on Pine Street in Philadelphia.

Today is the last day off for this vacation season.   Sat around and did not a whole hell of a lot except to go to the library and grocery store.   Chucks last day off is tomorrow.  Emily has gone to her CPR class, I will hear about that later.

Somedays at the library I find a lot of books and some days none at all.  Today I found a few.  I go to the bookstores and write down the titles and then go to the library and borrow them.  I can read about three novels a week.   Somehow I have not been finding a lot of good reads.   Am I in a slump?   I should google book clubs and lists and go with them.   I do not want to be in a hurry, just read at my leisure...which is usually fast.

The picnic was great and I will add one of the pictures of my sibs and I.   I didn't have on my glasses so I was sort of squinting.


My sibs and I at Kathys picnic.  I am center, front row.


Anonymous said...

I've had the same problem finding reading material to enjoy. I've found myself checking out the discount aisles at the book stores and buying books by the dozen that way. When I finish the books I end up donating them to schools or libraries. Once in a great while I'll take them to a used book store.

The trouble is when you find authors you especially like, waiting for their next book to come out. So I'm trying to branch out and sample other authors hear and there. (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

I keep a running list of books I want to read. I check the New York Times Bestseller list, I check in bookstores. I keep a list of favorite authors and read everything they ever wrote when I find a new one. I do my library work online. I put books on hold online, and all I ever need to do there is drop books off and pick up new ones. I can renew online, also. It's a good plan. My current to-read list has about 300 books on it :-)