Thursday, August 7, 2008

Off till who knows when !!!!!

Another old photo, pre digital that is.  Rafting on one of the Mountain River in NC.   Worked for 12 of the 16 hours.  The sickest people come in as emergencies.   I think they all stay at home, hoping each day that they will feel better the next.   Then, all of a sudden, the decide that they are NOT going to get better, so they come to the hospital......They are then, in REALLY poor shape when they get there.

One day, about five years ago, I asked my patient  who was in his 80's,  "When was the last time you went to see your doctor?"      Patient: "Oh, after the war"   Claudia, "Do you mean World War II?"  Patient  "Yes."   Claudia:   "OHH.    You managed to stay healthy for a long time !!!"   Guess he waited till it got really bad.  It was funny, although I didn't laugh at the time.  It was a non critical procedure and he did just fine, despite his avoidance of the medical profession.

Or maybe he stayed healthy because he stayed away from doctors.  LOL LOL

Another thing they sometimes  say;  usually upon being wheeled into the OR.  "Is my doctor any good?"   Really, this is definitely NOT the time to look for a second opinion.  I Honestly can not tell you  I think your doctor is an incompetent fool.  All I can say is he/she would not be my choice for surgery.   Going into the OR is NOT the time to ask....  My in laws were in the same mind set.   Chuck suggested they get another primary care person.  And they asked "Why?  He went to Medical School"   Yes he did, but as health care professionals we had questioned some decisions.  But people don't change, they still cling to the belief that ever thing will be OK; and sometimes with disastrous result.

We are going to Philadelphia in four days.  My compter is not back yet, and will not be by the time I leave. I had hoped it would be back by now.  I will have a camera card loaded with lots of pictures and no where to download them to.   More importently HOW WILL I CHECK MY EMAIL AND WRITE IN MY JOURNAL.

I guess I should grovel and maybe Chuck will let me take this one.

Another bad thing, the freezer door was left slightly ajar, and the frost was 1" thick.  A lot of food was unthawed and I had to pitch a lot of the Lean Cuisine and packaged things that were no longer solid.   I did not want to risk food poisoning.   We are going to Wally Worldl (aka WallMart) and stock up on lunch entrees.  I ate in the hosptial cafeteria and consumed too many calories over two days from the high fat, calorie laden, hospital lunch offerings.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a good trip! Doesn't your phone do email?