Thursday, September 18, 2008


"Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense."
Winston Churchill

Do you think he might have been a tad stubborn???

I am happy today, I found out that my stress test and GB, biliary tract, and pancreas ultra sounds were normal.    I was worried a bit, because of my mothers malignancies,  I guess that will be in the back of my mind with each major ache and pain.   The chest pain has not recurred and if it does I think I will call my Gastroenterologist, maybe it is something in my stomach.   There is a bacteria h. pylori, which causes ulcers and is indicated in stomach cancers.   The treatment is about two weeks of antibiotics and I think one of those acid reducers.  

The research docs who discovered that bacteria actually inoculated them selves by drinking the solution containing the h. pylori and then developed gastric ulcers.   Maybe they won the Nobel prize, I have to look that one up for sure......

Emily likes Nursing School.   She has to get up early (Normal time  for Chuck and I, but it is the middle of the night for her.)   To be in class at 7 AM.   Guess they want them to become accustomed to early rising.    I talked to an RN I know who retired and she said she now can sleep in to 7 AM.    A fantasy vacation for me would be a week of sleeping in till 9 AM.   

Irked this morning;   I had to order a box of checks, and the cost is $20.00 per box. WTF.   Although I pay my bills on line, I still need a few around.   I also had a problem when someone had breached my account and charges $5,000 including a trip to Singapore and I have no idea how they got my ATM number.    They had both Chucks and mine.   He NEVER EVER used his for purchases and I RARELY used mine.  And they got the number anyway......  Had to put a credit alert on the account.  

The banks will do virtually nothing because the amount they will recover is less than the legal fees...What a system.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your checkup went well!

LOL at sleeping in. When I worked I used to get up at 4:30 or 5:00. Now I can easily stay up that late! (I'm a night owl by nature.) But I try not to do that, because I don't want to get completely off-schedule with Ken. It does feel great to sleep in, though!

They discovered H. pylori during the time period of my career. I still remember when it happened, and we read all the papers and learned how to culture it. (Not easy--the gastric biopsy test is the best.) We were amazed to find out that what was thought to be stress and acid was really a bacteria! Sneaky little buggers, aren't they?

Have a great evening!

Anonymous said...

I used to start work at 8 am. I am sure that is why I now get up at 8 am and don't like to get up any earlier!

Good news on your tests!