Monday, September 1, 2008

Monday, Monday....

My day was spent reloading the computer.  Before I sent it back to ACER I had moved everything to another hard drive.   Actually, I had moved some to a flash drive and everything to the external hard drive.    I actually forget what I had moved.    So, I spent today moving my photos back.  I still have to download the printer and scanner.   Did you notice that the electronics rarely come with CD's anymore.  What you have to do is connect the device to the computer, access the Internet and download the program for its operation.    There must be a lot of money spent in making those installation CD's to go with your purchase...

 Above are bromeliads, I think they are related to pineapples.     I really like fresh pineapples, but the pineapples are about $4 to $5 each.   I refuse to spend that on a pineapple.............I just can't do it.......Maybe, if I were taking a fruit salad to a picnic I would.

Back to work tomorrow, another one of those 16 hour shifts.   Tomorrow will be a busy day, all those non emergent emergency cases will be stacked up and need to be done. I have off Wednesday and Friday.  

This week is going to be a hot one.   It is more like the July-August forecast than September.   It is strange, the first week of September to be so hot.  But, really, this summer has been a nice one; a little cool weather and a little hot weather.  It has also been cool at nights.  

I think that Wednesday will be devoted to connecting my devices and then try to make clic links.  Beth, thank you for the instructions....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My pleasure, Claudia, and like I said, if you have problems, just let me know!!

Beautiful flowers!

Sounds like a terribly busy day tomorrow--hope it's not too awful. Get some rest tonight!

Hugs, Beth