Wednesday, September 3, 2008

This is Henry; he is getting old.  He will be somewhere about  10 next  year.       Henry is starting to slow down.    He used to go into my bathroom, jump on the sink, and then he would calculate his trajectory and leap upon the window  sill to look out the window at his backyard domain.  Now he will follow me in and stand below the window and meow for me to lift him up so he can watch.   

Emily also noticed that he is slower coming up the steps from  our  basement.  He was taking the steps slow and carefully placing his feet.   He still is hot on getting to the food dish...

Today I  received my replacement Office 2003 CD.    Somehow the old Office 2003 got scratched.   I was trying to find an old disc from some source.   I had posted an inquiry on one of the computer sites and, much to my delight, I found out that if you had registered your  CD Microsoft would replace it at a minimal cost.   YEAH !! 

So yesterday it came and it is installed.   I had also ran a scan to see if there were any updates and found that I needed MS VISTA Service Pack 1.  That took about an hour, I decided to not do any more today; just incase something went wrong and if I found something I could uninstall the program.    Do you know that some people pay big bucks for others to install their things ????   Really,  if   you can read and have half a brain, they easy to install.   I will preface that with, if every thing goes well.   I always seem to find some glitch that is not covered by the FAQ'S and end up sending emails to whomever to solve what ever dilemma may have happened.

Work was not to bad on my 16 hours.  I finished up about seven and then perused the Internet for a bit.   I could take my laptop but it would be on the hospital site and filters "ENTERTAINMENT" which  is what this journal is considered.     What I find irksome is that they allow "SPORTS" web sites thought.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, poor Henry. He looks like a sweet boy. I bet he's got plenty of years left in him, although he doesn't quite get around as well as he used to!

Glad the installation went well. I usually run into some glitch, too, but manage to figure it out. The only time I was unable to install a program was when trying to switch from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95. The computer just didn't have enough memory. Sounds like a similar problem now for some who have tried to upgrade to Vista!
