Friday, September 5, 2008

Going to the Vets

Emily and her new found cat friends.  This was taken about ten years ago.

I keep getting post cards and I know I have to do it.   What, make an appointment to take the cats to the vets.   It is traumatizing for me and the cats.   Lucy, ALWAYS poops in the travel box, the thing I am glad about is it is (this is disgusting) always solid and I have a fresh specimen.  One is always needed when you go.

Henry, screams like a mountain lion in the back of the car.   Really loud and frantic.

Molly, who just squeaks and never meows, let go with loud full fledged MEOWS.

Jenny, meows loudly every four seconds during the whole trip; both going and return.  When Emily moved back from Cleveland, Jenny meowed for the two and a half hour trip.   I was ready to open the window and let her out.  She was inside her travel box, but the thought did enter my mind.

I have had pets most of my life.  The latest thing is cat dental hygiene.   A new young woman, just recently graduated from Vet School, told me that the cats had bad teeth and some needed to be removed.   The estimate was for about $1,000.    Now, I ask, how many people have $4,000 just lying about dedicated to cat extractions.     I could spend that getting my own teeth implanted.   I have decided to take them to the older woman (my age LOL) who had never mentioned the cats teeth to me.   Seriously, that is a lot of cash to remove a few teeth.    

Emily's second week in Nursing School is done.   She still likes it.....She said she has made a few friends, which is good.   I think they will have a study group.    She also wondered why they did not accept her Developmental Psychology from college.  She went to see and the course and its grade was not noticed because it was under the OFFICIAL STAMP.    She was happy because that is a few hundred less she has to borrow.   Yeah.......

It is still hot, I am really waiting for it to cool off.   I hate hot weather.  Anytime I have to use the A/C it is too hot for me.



Anonymous said...

Hope you get some cool weather soon! It's only about 70° here, so some should be heading your way....

I had to chuckle at your stories about taking the cats to the vet. This is so awful, but a couple of years ago, we decided that we just couldn't take Sheeba to the vet again. He is such a mild-mannered kitty, but when we got him to the vet, he turned into DEMON CAT. He was just frantic, and Ken had to hold onto him so hard while Sheeba was getting his shots, he was afraid he was going to hurt him. We were both so shaken up, and we said, "We just can't do this to Sheeba--or us!--again." It was THAT bad.

Sheeba is strictly an indoor cat, with no visits outside whatsoever, so he'll be fine. I'd prefer to take him in, but I think it would traumatize him too much!


Anonymous said...

I take the cats in twice in their life, once for their shots as kittens, then once again to get fixed. Don't get me wrong I love my cats. I rescue strays and do the shots, get them fixed and rehome them. I just wonder how much is actually necessary to the vet appts. How did animals ever survive before all this new fangled stuff? It's muggy as all get out her in upstate NY. It's raining and the only thing that is accomplishing is making the air heavier. (Hugs)Indigo