Thursday, October 4, 2007


Word of the Day: Languor (noun)
Pronunciation:  ['læng-gr]

Definition: Weakness, a sense of lassitude or inertia; mild depression, listlessness.

Usage: Today's word belongs to an odd family of individualists with an odd array of suffixes. The major adjective associated with it is languid "lacking spirit or motion," as a languid breeze whose movement is barely distinguishable. The verb is languish "to grow weak, lose vitality," as you might languish without attention your actions. "Languorous" is also out there with a meaning close to that of "languid" but implying a bit more melancholy.

This is how I feel sometimes.........The hot weather makes me feel worse; and I am tired of hot weather.   I had to put the A/C on and this is the first time I have had it on in PA.