Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I do love these pictures.  Got my little article written and sent off.  I told her if it wasn't ok I would not be insulted if she didn't use it.   I have also been sending her links for the genealogy research.    Next weekend we are having lunch with my husbands elderly aunt.  She is the last one left of that generation.   I guess she is some where in her upper eighty's.   I am going to bring dessert.   Have two places in mind, either the Oakmont bakery or Christopher's Sweet Shop.

The US Open starts in a few week.  It will be in the other end of my boro.  I have decided to avoid Oakmont for the entire week.  We canceled our genealogy meeting for the month of June.   It will be a madhouse.  Some people are renting out their houses and taking a vacation that week.  I have heard that they are getting $10,000 for the week.  That fall under my categorization of having more money than brains.

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