Sunday, May 29, 2005


Just a short note before I go off into the working world today.   Every holiday weekend has to be covered and it will be covred by 6 people.   So, that is 6 people whos weekend is shot for sure.   Hope I am not busy so my partner doesn't get called in.   A person never knows what will come their way.   But one thing that I am really glad about is that the helicopter goes one way, and that way is OUT.

I would take my laptop, but that would be the kiss of death for me.   Any time you bring something to do or need to do something the next day, you will be busier than you ever were in your entire career..........

Well, got to get going..............................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a good girl you are leaving your laptop at home! Thanks a bunch. The operator told me there are two cases on. Hope they are short and sweet.....

Marie true about my weekend being shot by ONE second call....but I am sorry YOU have to spend 24 hrs there.....