Monday, May 23, 2005


Today is my daughters birthday.   She is 23 on the 23rd.   She doesn't know it yet but, we are going to the Stones.    She had wanted to get the tickets for her birthday.  So early on Saturday I went on line and got the tickets.  It was for the peanut gallery.   It only took me 7 minutes and I got them.   It is also on the side that is the way out.    Hopefully, we will get out in a timely manner.     She asked if I got them and I told her I forgot, and I know she was dissapointed.   Hopefully, she will be happier this evening.   

She needed a surprise on her birthday.   Tomorrow I am oncall and the other two have off.......   Hope it is an OJK call...I have decided when they strt doing hearts I am quiting call...........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOu said "I have decided when they start doing hearts I am quiting call..........."

ME TOO!!!!!!
