Tuesday, October 12, 2004


Nothing really going on here today.   Went to the muscle/fascial pain guy.  He is very young and somehow I thought he would be a bit older.  Not that it matters, I was just surprised.   He ordered some Rx to help me sleep.  It is a low dose Pamelor.  In two weeks I will go and have my trigger points injected and start PT.  I hope this works.  He told me it is harder to treat chronic pain, because it has been going on so long.   Any improvement would be great.   I am tired of the constant pain.......................

Bought a pair of boots.   The old ones are coming apart when I put them on.  The lining keeps coming out when I take my feet out of them.  One of my pet peaves is when things dont work like they were designed to do. This applies to many things.  Mechanical equipment and electronic equipment are at the to of my list..............

Back to work tomorrow.  Wish I had taken of Weds and Thurs too.  Been counting up my days and I have additional hours.   I can roll over 56, so I am ok there.


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