Sunday, October 3, 2004


Spend yesterday in Cleveland.  Did a special delivery of my dads stereo system to my dtr.  None of the other siblings wanted and my dtr was coveting it.  I also took about 50 to 75???  old LPs.  Some of them  I had purchsed at the library for 25cents.   Well her and all her chums think that the turntable was the  best thing next to sliced bread.   Even better was I got it assembled and connected in no time at all.  I think it was easy because I labeled everything when I took it apart.  I thought her boom box would be able to be added to the mix but it doesnt had an aux outlet. 

Then we looked at yarn stored and spend $95 at the grocery buying healthy food. Eating healthy costs a lot of money.   And the surprising thing is she is a vegitarian and didnt buy any meat.   We also went to a movie (The Forgoten)  BIG LOOSER, DON'T EVEN BOTHER TO GO.  I am jsut glad it was a matinee  and I didnt pay full price for that waste of celuloid.  And then had a nice dinner out.

I have installed Microsoft Digital Image Suite,  I no can enlarge my igital images, but I still am trying to figure out how to get them onto to this journal.   They are stored in the bowels of this computer and I plan to do it.............

I got that pictures a lt\ittle bigger, come on now, this is isnt rocket science.




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the pic of the that from PSU? glad you had a good time in cleveland. See you tomorrow............picked up my cart from the hospital today. It had Dr Varga's name on it but he told me I could have it........ :(  I hope it was okay....
