Saturday, October 9, 2004


Off today, and it was a lovely day.   My brother and I went to 2327 and up into the attic.   My dad had stuff stored up there.   Richard pitched the stuff out the attic window and I made a pile of the stuff.   It looks like there will be another metal run.  I gathered all the photographic items.  He had 9 or 10 boxes of slides made of the "13 week trip"  Each box containes at the max 150 slides.   I only looked at a few, but the ones I did seem to be jammed packed.  This project of mine is going to be really labor intensive.  No wonder it costs a lot to have this done.  And the lady who told me to buy my own scanner told me the truth.   I really think I will take the digital photo class.  The pictures I could see looked absolutely fantastic.

On call tomorrow, you never know what the day will bring.  I had one day where I did NOTHING for 24 hours and one day I worked 22 out of 24 hours.  I was totally exhausted and had a give a shit atitude by the break of dawn that day,.   Maybe it will be inbetween......... But I have decided when the heart program starts I will quit taking call. 

I also wonder how the the world do the "geniuses" in DC think people can work till they are 65 plus or up to 70.   Most comon people are in labor intense jobs who will be exhausted by the time they reach 60.  I personaly know this is true for nurses and other health care people.   The legislature must think that everyone has jobs like they do......................

I think that all the people should have the retirement you get after serving in the congress.   They are paid their same salary from retirement till they die.  That is the biggest ripof ever.   How can you get any breaks, they make the laws for US and then they pass lucrative bills and perks for THEMSELVES.   The congress ought to be required to live like the average Joe Lunchpail for about 5 years.   They exist in a bubble...............







1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Claudia,
  Glad you got your Dad's attic cleaned out. Hey, I have been surfing the links for professional organizers. Want to open a new business together? We can organize everyone for a fee. These organizers get 70.00/hr!!!!!!!!! Beats our salary. THEN.......after we become professional organizers we can start with the anesthesia dept........while the rest of them do the hearts for a smaller hourly fee! HA HA chuckle chuckle..........I also will not be taking call then either I am afraid. I am with you on the legislators and their retirements...want to run for congress? HA!

I had my tests done and I think they found a popliteal cyst...GAWD! What next????!!! At least I don't have a blood clot.not sure if I have a cartilage tear. Wait till I corner Mike Levine on Monday.  :)

Have a quiet call!
