Saturday, December 22, 2007


Word of the DayAbulia (noun)

Pronunciation:  [ê-'bu-li-yê]

Definition: A loss of volition or the ability to make decisions.

Usage: The adjective is "abulic," also used to refer to a person suffering from this dysfunction.

Suggested Usage: Medically speaking, abulia usually results from damage to the right (occasionally the left) parietal lobe of the brain. However, some smokers seem abulic when it comes to kicking the habit. Chocolate triggers abulia in weaklings like me. In fact, many foods are suspected of triggering this frailty; ice cream is at the top of the list. Sports leave many men abulic; shopping, many women. Currently, no antidote is available.

Etymology: From Greek aboulia "indecision" comprising a- "without" + boule "will." "Boule" comes from PIE *gwel-/gwol-/gwl "throw, pierce." It turns up in Greek as ballein "to throw" and ballizein "to dance" whence "ball" (the dance), "ballad," and "ballet." The same original root ended up in "quell" from Old English cwellan "to kill, destroy," not to mention "kill," itself.

–Dr. Language,


I feel this way about chocolate myself.

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