Thursday, June 24, 2004


It has been a rough few days.  I had my apt with the counselor and it was good to talk to someone althought I logically knew what my problem was.  It is better to tell someone and get it out of your mind so to speak.    I found out E can talk to someone too eventhough it is out of state.  I gave her the number and I hope she does it.  I think it would be helpful..


The medication my doctor gave me for sleep is helping.  It is a low does antidepressant.  I have been sleeping like a baby.    The counselor (Sueanne) said that if you lose 1 hour of sleep per night at the end of the week you are suffering from 1 days worth of sleep deprivation and it is cumulative.  I have to tell E that.

Back to work tomorrow and it is the last for the week,  They have been painting the workroom and I hope they are done.   It is a pain trying to get your stuff for the day with the room a mess and guys painting.


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