I wish that I could get it together. I honestly thought as I get older my problems would lessen. Maybe they never do and your life remains the same all along. Went to talk to Sueanne. I told her I felt guilty about my fathers death, and she said "What did you do to deserve the guilt?" I said "nothing". I did what he wanted with the DNR. She said I should feel remorse and regret but not guilt. Sounds good Sueanne how do I impliment that?
She did give me the names and numbers of some agencies that may help with my brother who has learning disabilities. He is 53, There may be low cost housing avaliable. He will never be able to afford the keep or buy a house. Now when children have problems the parents are out there fighting for their rights. Fortyfive years ago nothing was avaliable or people didnt know about help with kids with problems.. Maybe it was because it wasnt talked about or something the paents would just deal with themselves and no asked for help.
I hope I can find something. That would be a lot off of my mind.