Monday, January 28, 2008


Today at work was so busy.   I was working in the GI Lab doing colonoscopies and gastroscopies.    We did so many I actually felt like a hampster on a wheel.  They are relatively simple/   For the dreaded colonoscopy I can say for sure that the prep is way mooooooooooore worse  than the procedure.     Especially with the newer sedatives.   I give a little narcotic and some versed and diprivan ..  This is a great thing.   It produces amnesia.   Now if any of you have been reading the news lately;  everyone is signing up for their exam, so, the insurance companies, in all their wisdom. have decided not to pay for the diprivan.  

Why you may ask, BECAUSE IT COSTS THEM MONEY.   The insurance companies are in the business to make money not to pay it to health care providers.   They want to keep all they have got.   Aetna is the one, who as of April (I think) will not be paying for it.    In their eternal wisdom have decided that it is not needed.     You better go and sign up for your soon. 



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