Sunday, January 27, 2008

Still snowing but lightly

Yesterday I listened to the weather forecast and was planning to run my car thru the cheapie car wash.   This is great in the dead of winter and it gets all the snow and salt deposits of the car.......

I hate that part of winter when the snow starts to melt and you have the potential for using the whole bottle of windshield washer fluid in one week.      I have a Subaru and it is the best car ever.  Goes like a mountain goat.    I am surprised that more car manufacturers do not offer a AWD car as one of their options.  Subaru, however,  offers AWD on ALL its cars.   I think at one time they did not but now they do.   

 The first time I was convinced of its value was when I was driving on the WV I 79  and it was raining so hard you could not see anything but a glimmer of red  from the taillights in from of me.   AT this point any car would have been hydroplaning  but that car stuck to the highway like glue.    I was truly impressed and I do not think I would buy anything else.   There is not anytime I have gotten stuck in the PA winters for the past 10 years.

Tomorrow it is to go up to 40 for the daytime high, so I will get the car washed then.

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