Sunday, January 9, 2005


So far things are going OK.  We discussed posibilities for employment.  E put in an application at the St Vincent De Paul thrift store.   The woman there gave her an interview on the spot.  She has to go to the PHS and have her transcript and Sats sent to the local CCAC.   She signed up for a History class, History and American Government. This might be useful is she goes to Law School.   I made a list of possible employment ideas.  It is my  ideaa that you take the first job you can to give ou money and then you can leisurely look for something more to your liking.  

We have to do some furniture rearanging and upacking.  I want her to go thru her stuff (clothes, books, CDs and VHS)  We can take some of that stuff to half price books and get some money.  What is not bought we can give to the thrift store or library for a donation.    I also wan to go thru my stuff and items fromm 2327 to donate too.

Respironics (medical manuf) has an ad in the Pennysaver.  I have to ask Marie what the starting salary was.  They have 2 shifts and that would give her time to finish the last 6 credits this summer.   Plus she likes to sleep in and stay up late.  

E has been searching the DSL and is willing to pay for it.  Wonder if AOL has the DSL.  Guess I will have to look for it. on the site.

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