Saturday, January 15, 2005


It has been almost a week since the last entry.  The only downside of an online journal is that your descendants will never find it it your attic and have a window in time what a persons life was.

Emily has had another interview.  This one is for an asst, manager of a St Vincent DePaul store.  They called her to set it up.   The  woman said if she didnt get it there were positions in the retail store that she needed too.  The pt would been good since she needs to get 6 more credits and then she wants to think about grad school.  Law or Library is in the running.

I wish I had a place to put this computer, since E came home I need to move this and set it up somewhere permanent.  I have to unplug the phone and put the computer in that outlet and have no place for the printer.  I have another desk but that phone outlet is dead.  I know Chuck had it wired put it is not working.

Going to put out more applications today and start going thru boxes and getting them out of the garage.   I want to consolidate them and get them organized.

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