Friday, January 21, 2005


The last day of the week.  I did 3/12 this week.  Sometimes even with the time off I never get things done.   I seem to lack motovation.  With how many other people I ask?????    Chuck is sick, seems he has pneumonia, they used to call that  "the old mans friend"   That is when everyone died from it.   But now with the newer antiiotics the numbers are better.   Fortunatly when either of us are sick, we want people to leave us alone.   Some men want waited on hand and foot like they are the king of the world and they are the only person to have and be as sick as they are.   And they wnt the other to be at their beck and call............I would have to kill them. 

A major storm is comig tomorrow.   Some where between 3 inches and 1 foot.  How can they prdict when the storm is over Iowa???????  I know one way of telling.   You just take what ever is forecast and it will be the opposite.  Meteorology is the only job where you can be wrong 50% of the time and still keep your job.......................


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