Saturday, January 22, 2005


A thought came to me this morning as I was drinking my morning tea.   It was so simple I wondered why I failed to analyze and realize this before.  It occured like a bolt out of the blue.   The trouble that my daughter and other kids of her generation is this:


Althought they grew up in a middle class household and not wealthy by any streatch of the imagination, they have never wanted for ANYTHING.   I am beginning to see this as a diservice.  We strive to give them everything that we never had and wanted as children.   I grew up poor and never knew it.  By the time I got to high school and realized it, I decided at that point that I never, ever wanted to be poor.  So I made the decision to go to school and the go even further.  My husband was in the same situation as me.   We both know how to get along with less and spend only what we have. 

The question is how to teach this at the age of 22?????     Now that I have identified the situation I will have to figure out how to solve it.   She has the basics of budgeting but cant put it into action...............


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