Wednesday, November 17, 2004


Back to pt today.  My neck and back feel really good.   I have determined that things that aggrivate it are, sitting looking up at the monitors and sitting at a computer screen that is too high.   My personal computer is just at the right level so it doesnt bother me to type at it.  Maybe I can get my boss to lower the monitors  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH..................The monitor screen (computer)  at work is too high, I can just avoid it for long periods of time.

I decided to start my Christmas shopping and now I really dont have a lot of people to buy for since my parents and in laws are all deceased.  That is sort of depressing and sad....................I just have to get things for my daughter and something unusual or unique for Chuck.   I need some HINTS in tha area.....................

Only a few weeks of school for the dtr.  I will be glad when this is over.  It has been a nerve tingling time since last May............................I hope by now she got her resume all done and went over to the student center.  <SPAN id=sp-4 title=" NCI, nib, nil, nip, nit, nix, MI" style="BACKGROUND: url(undefinedimages/bg_spellingErr.gif) yellow repeat-x left bottom; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; COLOR: #000" _backupTitle="null"> know she was looking at it on line.  If there is ever a contest for the biggest procrastinator in the world I will nominate her and she will win hand down........At her age she should be doing all this with out parental involvement.   She hates it when I "nag" or what she perceives as nagging, but, when will she get the idea that if she did things and I knew she was going to do it, I wouldnt have to remind her.  Quite frankly, I get tired of reminding her of things she should do by herelf.


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