Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Its a long time since I have written.   Been to work for three days and my foot hurts so bad.  Today I took naprosyn and it felt much better, I also wore my birkenstock shoes and I guess it was a combination of both.

Work has been busy.   I think it would feel better if my foot was pain free.   It is really busy and there were seven rooms running at three.   There is always two more rooms than we have people to cover.   The latest is a 2 to 10;30 shift.  and second call all thru the week.   I  think this is in preparation for the heart program that is to start in March. 

JCAHO is here this week.  These are a bunch of inspectors that we pay big bucks to come and see how we are doing and then they find some nits to pick.  We really pay for this.  The big thing now is labeling syringes.   You are suppose to draw up medication first and then put on the label,  they want no labeled syringes in your drawer.   They are in utopia.  How can a person "double" check if there is no label  with which to check two times.       They came in my room to watch the induction (commencement of anesthesia).  I did everthing perfect, as usual.  Being OCD helps to have everything just so, and always the same and in the same order.   Most people who work in the OR are OCD.  I don't know if it attracts that sort of personality or it developes as you work there.   I had a student and everything went well.   I personally think he was checking for our "surgical pause"; where before the incision the person, dob, and surgical procedure are checked with the surgeon and the permit on the chart.  This is done to insure that the proper surgery and side is done.

Our department got good grades.   I am off tomorrow and it is play off week at Trivia.   I wish I could recruit a few more players.  We need someone who is good in sports.

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