Tuesday, November 20, 2007


"History is a vast early warning system."
Norman Cousins

If a person learns anything, it is NOT to invade Russia in the winter.   A la Napolean and Germany in WWII.

I am off for three days in a row.  I should be cleaning but I just don't feel like it at all.  In fact, I feel like it less and less.  The dust really does not matter to me.  

Work is the same.  Funny thing, they came out with a sign on bonus if you re-up for another year.  But they won't pay it till the anniversary date. No one will  be signing early and probably waiting till the anniversary date occurs.  If people quit maybe they will up the cashola amount.  LOL LOL

  Another funny thing is shortly after this they added weekday second call, and the late, late shift.   I think people are looking elsewhere.   In fact, I KNOW, they are looking elsewhere.   With not too much longer to work and the fact I will not be working long enough to get vested else where I am just going to go with the flow for now.

Maybe I will go clean out the freezer and throw away:  Things with freezer burn, things older than a year and that I don't remeber buying, and mystery items that I haven't a clue what they are or where they came from.   Guess I will have a salvation of plastic containers by the time this day is over.   This HAS to be done today because the garbage man comes today and I don't want thing sitting around rotting and fermenting all week.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like we are ALL cleaning out the freezer in preparation for the Thanksgiving feast! I was just thinking/ doing the same thing......

"The garbage man comes tomorrow....I need the room in the freezer...what IS this frozen blob of nothingness.....?"

LOL LOL...Have a Happy Thanksgivng!

Miss YOU!
