Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Got home and  and found messages from Chuck how I am not answering the phone and how many times he called.   If I am not home by 0700 I am still at work.   Today was a dept meeting and yada yada yada.   Looks like the merger is going to go through.   Glad I can retire in 3 years.   So far   "nothing will change" 

 Somehow I am extremely distrustful of corporate BS.   They will tell you ANYTHING and promise you EVERYTHING and say NOTHING  will change.  You DON'T  have to worry and there will be NO changes. 

I DON'T BELIEVE THEM.......NOT ONE IOTA.  We have been down this road before and KNOW BETTER.  And the policy book is something to bring out and hit you in the arse when they don't want to give you something.  It will be twisted and then spit out to solve their problem and get rid of employees that are perceived as being problematic. 

Another problem with Microsoft.  Found a note from the daughter and they want $35 to talk to her.  That computer is under warranty.  I may call them and charge them $50 per minute to talk to me.........I am ready for a confrontation....


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